I haven't been able to catch you up on everything in my life.. Why you ask? Well I can sum that up in one word. DENVER. One word, too many meanings.
I dont like bugs, but now i do. I sell them. Actually, things to kill them. Pest Control. I breathe, eat, sleep, poop, talk, want, need pest control. That's all my mind knows now. Bad? Not really. Boring? Very. Interesting? More than you'll ever now. Frustrating and exhausting would be my main words that i'd used to describe this though..
Definition. too many people think this is easy. I'd love to pay for anyone to come up here and do what i'm doing. You wake up, go to the gym, go to correlation, go knock doors till 4, have a break till 5, then knock till 9 at night, sometimes even later. Think you do something different? nope, like i said it's been my life for the last month and i want my old life back. Jk, but really. I do.. I love that i've been given this opportunity to come out here and experience this (haven't thought of the right word to use). Is it a blessing, a trial, something to teach me patience, faith, happiness? Still trying to figure that out. There is one thing i know that is a big blessing for me right now and it'd be my girl SJ. aka Sidney Reed.
Ready, me too. Here is the back round of this lovely friendship and this "dumb" idea of thinking Denver would be heaven and easy money. i like money, sometimes a lil too much. so I thought of this idea right. How about we sell in AZ. no, it's hotter than lava there and we said no. Then i thought hmmm, anyways we are at church that next sunday just doing our thing and loving every min of the lessons given. These boys walk in, and i'm like oh i know them cause sidney mentioned how she thought one of the boys was cute. So we ditch R.S for easter candy. ( dont pretend you wouldn't do the same) so we get to talking and we are definitely attrached to these boys and they start to tell us that they are going to be leaving for Denver to go sell some Pest Control. They start to ask us to come with them and sell. We just laugh and laugh.. 3 days later we start packing, quitting our jobs and telling everyone see ya later till the end of August. We are now up here with these boys. Ya, nope i didn't get my man but sidney girl face did and it's adorable :) sometimes.... jk haha
It's been one tough tough tough thing to be going thru. We have had our ups and downs, happy times, sad times, crying times, rough times, best time, bonding times. It's just a lot of time and we need to take this "time" to just realize more than what we are.. Can't wait to be rolling in silly money and a new car! BOOM. ROASTED.
Here is some pickies of our adventures so far.
1. Us after the club
2. Me and Aaron
3. Me and my sid
4. bff's
5. hanging in the car
6. me with chase
7. Sid on a good day
Well that's all for now, but just wait. It'll get better. I'm SO lucky to be able to do this right now. Denver is tough but it's teaching me new things and i'm obviously out here for a reason :)